typography · Uncategorized

Am I really that dumb?

After playing some typography games, (Shoot the Serif, Type War and Kern Type) I realized I have some brushing up to do on my typography skills. I always thought I was vert detail oriented and could spot the differences between fonts easily, but this proved me wrong. Well for the most part anyway.

In Shoot the Serif, the objective was to choose the Serif font out of the series of letters you are given. screen-shot-2017-01-30-at-10-00-38-pmAs you guess correctly, it takes you to higher levels in which you have less time and more letters to choose from. At first, I got every one of them wrong, but as the game progressed, I got better at it.



As I played Type War, it was obvious that I did not know the differences in fonts very well. It gives you a letter and two choices of popular fonts. Screen Shot 2017-01-30 at 10.01.39 PM.pngYou must choose which font that letter is typed in to score points. The longest winning streak I was on was 7, out of hundreds, because I was so determined that  I knew font. I did get better as I kept playing, but I was never very great at it.


The last game I played was Kern Type, and boy did I struggle with that one. You had to line the letters up evenly through the word to make sure they had the same amount of space in between each one. I made a 60% overall, Screen Shot 2017-01-30 at 9.59.10 PM.pngand only made a 100% on one. It was hard because there weren’t any guidelines. However, I did see the importance of being detail-oriented to the extreme. 


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